Chaperone Summary


All patients have the right to privacy and dignity. Open communication between patients and healthcare professionals is encouraged at SDHC, with a clear explanation of examinations or procedures.


Chaperone Offer:

Patients will be offered a chaperone for any intimate examinations.

If a chaperone is unavailable, patients should be informed and given the choice to proceed without one or postpone until available.

It's important to note that the clinician may also decide whether to conduct the examination without a chaperone or reschedule the appointment.

Family or friends cannot act as your chaperone, however they may accompany you in your consultation, if you wish.

  • Chaperone will be offered regardless of clinician-patient gender match.
  • You can request an examination to stop at any time.
  • Clinicians are unlikely to proceed without a chaperone for intimate examinations.
  • You can request a chaperone during examinations or consultations.
  • Chaperone Procedure information is accessible to all patients in various locations around our premises