Duty of Candour Summary


Our Commitment to patients:

We foster an environment of openness, honesty, and transparency in your care. Our patients well-being is at the heart of our approach, ensuring safe and effective care based on best practices. How We Handle Incidents: Swift action is taken when incidents with potential harm are identified. We conduct thorough investigations, learn from experiences, and share information to prevent similar incidents in the future.


Our Transparency Pledge:

We publicly commit to being transparent, open, and fair in all our patients care. Patients will be promptly and thoroughly informed in person and in writing about any incidents.


What Patient Can Expect in Notifications:

  • We provide a factual account of incidents.
  • Patients will receive truthful information.
  • Future enquiries and update timelines are communicated.
  • Timely apologies and investigation outcomes are shared in subsequent notifications.

Addressing Concerns:

Proactive measures are in place to address and remedy any incidents of bullying or harassment related to your care.