Virtual Wards

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The Virtual ward is a healthcare service delivered in the patient’s home, for people suffering with primarily acute clinical conditions.

This service is provided by East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (ESHT) as an alternative to acute hospital admission, for patients who would otherwise require admission or a more prolonged stay in hospital. Instead, medical care is delivered in the patient’s home (including residential care facilities).

SDHC's works as part of the ESHT team, via the provision of specialist GPs; this assistance enables the service to offer patients daily oversight from a senior clinical decision maker. This oversight is supported by a core virtual ward team, who have access to escalation pathways and guidance. The service also provides face to face clinical intervention, including IV medicines, as well as video consultations and continuous digital vital signs monitoring. Additionally, appropriate supporting and enabling care input is also available.

The service is delivered every day from 9am to 8pm.

a clinician using a phone