Frequently Asked Vaccination Questions

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COVID-19 explainer: How a vaccine works?

COVID-19 vaccine: how do I know it is safe?

How important is it for people from deprived or minority backgrounds to get the vaccine?

What is an mRNA vaccine and how does it work?

COVID-19 vaccine: why should everyone be encouraged to have the vaccine?

COVID-19 vaccine: as a GP what would you say to health professionals about having the vaccine?

As a GP what would you say to social care workers about having their COVID-19 vaccine?

How was the COVID-19 vaccine rolled out so quickly?

Should eligible older adults have the COVID-19 vaccine?

COVID-19: Dr Anthony Harnden explains how catching the infection has affected him.

COVID-19 vaccination: guide for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable and pregnant healthcare staff.

COVID-19 vaccination: occupational health - guide to side effects.

COVID-19 vaccine: why should social care staff in all settings and care home workers have the vaccine?

COVID-19 vaccines: can they affect my fertility?

If I have allergies is it still safe to have the COVID-19 vaccine?

COVID-19 vaccine guide for women of childbearing age or are planning a pregnancy.

COVID-19 vaccination: if you have an underlying health condition or are immunosuppressed.

COVID-19 vaccines: What is an mRNA vaccine and how does it work?

How do viral vaccines work?

COVID-19 vaccine: can the mRNA inside the vaccine change people’s DNA or affect their fertility?

COVID-19 vaccines: can the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine give me COVID-19 infection?

Why do the COVID-19 vaccines focus on the spike protein?

COVID-19: vaccine protection – what does the data show so far?

Considering the wider determinants of health when rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine.

COVID-19 vaccination: protecting care homes and social care staff

COVID-19: What are the risk factors?

Who is eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine in the UK and how are the priority groups decided?

How did we develop a COVID-19 Vaccine so quickly?